Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Specialty Shippers Look to LaserShip: The "Peace of Mind" Shipping Co.

   Horse breeding—involving animals worth millions of dollars—is a serious and not too simple of a business that has a billion dollar impact on the economy of the United States alone.  
   LaserShip’s Global Critical Deliveries division not only provides same-day, cross-country shipping solutions for this industry, but also provides “peace of mind” (POM) technological support for horse breeding professionals. 
   LaserShip’s POM-Tech involves two small devices that can be placed inside shipping containers: The first device—LaserLocator—tracks and transmits shipment location updates every few minutes; the second device—an FDA approved temperature monitor—records and reports temperature data. 
   Location and temperature are especially critical to horse breeders; equine practitioners ship refrigerated stallion semen (worth millions!!) across the country or around the world for insemination into mares; this process, to be successful, must often occur within a few short hours. 
   LaserLocator, along with the temperature monitor, provides horse breeders with absolute verification and documentation of the location and condition—recorded and transmitted while the shipment is en route.
  POM-Tech was a “big hit,” says LaserShip Vice President Joe J., when it was displayed at the December convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP).  “Many potential shippers in this industry found the solution offered of temperature controlled and tracked shipments especially attractive.” 
  The temperature data provided by LaserShip assures breeders that the viability of the high value shipments has been maintained.  The location updates solves two problems: 
1)     Tracking: No package can every truly be misplaced or lost in transit.  Tracked on the ground every 15 minutes (or less as needed), no package can every be misplaced or shunted to the side as can happen in large airline cargo operations—if so, the package can be quickly found and retrieved to continue its journey.
2)     Scheduling: Inseminating mares is a very time sensitive and elaborate procedure.  Knowing precisely where a shipment is located allows veterinarians to know exactly when a package will arrive and when to prep the mare. 
   The horses—both stallion donors and mare recipients—are very valuable animals: The stud fees for stallions can range into the millions of dollars, and the mares are so valuable that their embryos are often removed and implanted into another mare for gestation so as not to put to much stress on a priceless animal.  
   It is not just the animals under stress—the shippers are too.  “Stress relief,” reports Joe,is what LaserShip is providing through POM-Tech to the breeders and veterinarians—the equine practitioners—that have so much at stake in these delicate matters.” 

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