The Interplay of Culture, Connections and Performance
Every action has consequences
Connections to our mutual well-being
When LaserShip’s Katy M. answered her cell phone after leaving work on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 16th, she probably did not think that it was the owners of the company calling her; what went through her mind was most likely just responding to one more after work request from a customer, a question about a particular delivery, or a difficult problem that needed her solution.
Katy is familiar with those types of calls—she responds all the time during work and after work to similar requests. But, this call was to thank Katy for her extraordinary efforts the day before—and reported in LaserDay on that Wednesday—to take charge of the office in the absence of others and stay in charge far into the night when she was called out to make a final pick-up.
Katy’s response to the “thank you” call was that she was just doing her job; that taking care of the clients even if it meant going back out in the night to make a pick up, was what was necessary in order to make sure everyone’s livelihood was protected.
This mutual connection to our shared future is something that Katy understands very well. In September 2009 her home was completely underwater from flooding in the Atlanta area. Not only did her Atlanta team, but also many people throughout the company and in the corporate office responded to help her get back up on her feet.
Katy‘s story is illustrative of the interplay between culture and performance. Our company’s culture plays a special role in driving engagement (connections) and where engagement leads, performance follows.
Connecting people to our company, as exampled by Katy, is our goal and in this 25th year our priority. We are taking concrete steps to identify the specific values based actions that we can take to make sure that everyone feels the connection to our mutual well being.
Our actions, especially those of leaders, must demonstrate accountability for our success and demonstrate a consideration of the whole not the parts.
Actions that support our mutual well being include:
v Accepting and committing to the idea that everything is my job
v Recognizing that every action or decision—significant or seemingly insignificant—has multiple consequences
v Considering the impact on the whole from both words and actions
v Being accountable for everything that occurs; holding others equally accountable
v Being reachable by anybody: Encouraging my team members, peers and customers to reach out
v Communicating the significance of our work conduct and product; communicating to individuals and teams how their activities impact customers, colleagues and the entire company
v Making decisions and performing each job in a manner that will reflect well on our company, will result in growth, opportunities and prosperity for all
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