Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are You Happy? It Matters!

Exploring LaserShip’s Culture of Opportunity

New Research: Your Outlook on Life Determines Promotability and Earnings

LaserShip’s record number of promotions in 2012—totaling nearly 75—indicates that not only are we a growing company with increasing opportunities but also we have a culture that identifies and rewards performance.  By rough calculation, over 10% of our employees ended the year in different jobs than the one in which they started the year (and some, as we know, worked their way upward through two or three jobs).  

In a merit based company, such as LaserShip, promotion is based on both performance and attitude: Ability and willingness.  Promotions, generally, are earned by people who excel at their current jobs (demonstrating ability) while taking on additional (above and beyond) tasks and responsibilities (demonstrating willingness). 

In addition to being able and willing, LaserShip promotions go to those who are positive contributors:  Forward looking, solution oriented, see problems as challenges, keep their minds open to new ideas and suggestions and don’t make excuses when something goes wrong, accept responsibility and learn from mistakes and, mostly, enjoy their lives.    

All of these positive characteristics add to LaserShip’s identified set of “personality traits:” 
-An obsession with going beyond
-Open to the exchange of ideas and solutions
-Caring about and finding joy in outcomes and relationships
-Feeling connected to a sense of mutual well-being.  

Scientific study has now confirmed what we have known intuitively and acted upon culturally. A recently released research study confirmed that people positive and happy in outlook generally find more work opportunities, get promoted sooner and more often, and, as a result, earn more money than those who do not share these optimistic and joyful characteristics.  

Happy people, it seems, actually do earn more money. The analysis suggests happiness isn't just linked to higher income—it helps generate it. This new finding turns on its head the belief that people with money are happier; they probably are, but what gets them to the point of having more money (outside of rich parents, our course) is being happy in the first place. 

Happy lives are a product of personal choice and actions.  Happy people, for example, choose to spend more time pursuing and nurturing relationships along with personal growth; they choose not to judge themselves in comparison to what others have or have achieved; they appreciate what they have and choose to express gratitude for it; they choose to be optimistic even in the darkest times of their lives; they know their strengths and choose to use them to their fullest.  As a result, happy people experience a higher level of positive daily emotions and satisfaction in their lives.    

This sense of positive satisfaction, research has stated, benefits happy people with more opportunities, promotions and earnings that come their way as a result.    

Authentic happiness, as the research indicates, does not come from unrelated events, money, position or power. Instead, the opposite seems to be true: Those things come about from the choice to have a particular outlook on life that produces happiness: All the other things are bi-products of that choice.  Happiness makes all the other things become possible.  Happiness is a choice.

Bottom line:  Happiness is a choice from which opportunity flows as demonstrated by the 75+ employees who were promoted in 2012.  Thank you for making LaserShip your choice.

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